Breaking News

Niyyah (intention) & Ikhlas (sincerity) – an advice for every Muslim

Assalamualaikum, Dear Readers, Niyyah (Intention) and Ikhlas (sincerity) form the basis of every action that we do in our lives. It is based on these that your actions shall be accepted or rejected by Allah. If this is not in place, then every act you do is a waste for your Akhirah. How would you feel when, even after doing …

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Supplications go Unheard due to Shirk & Bida’h in our deeds

Assalamualaikum (Peace be on you), Dear Readers, It is quite amazing to see how people end up following innovations in their religion, thinking that it is a part of the revelation of Allah. What amazes me is that in the worldly aspects or work, people question so much about the authenticity of certain financial deal or transaction and get to …

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How to be a good husband in Islam

Assalamalaikum (Peace be upon you), Dear Readers, How to be a good husband in Islam is something that every Muslim man should learn before entering into a wedlock. For a long time now, I have been wondering why so much has been written about a woman being an “Ideal wife in Islam” as against writing about a man being an …

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How does your name sound in Japanese? check it out…

Assalamualaikum (Peace be on you), Dear readers, Have you ever wondered how your name would sound if it was spelt in Japanese? Well if you haven’t ever tried, then check it now. Below are the respective sounds against each alphabet of English. Just replace the spelling of your name with these: Try your Name in Japanese : A=ka B=tu C=mi …

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The photo of “starving child & vulture” taught me a lesson!

Starving child with a vulture

Assalamalaikum (Peace be on you), Dear Readers, Today (4th day of Ramadhan), fasting appeared to be a little heavy for me. I don’t know why, but i was gasping for water and food just within 8 hours after Suhoor (the food we have before starting to fast daily). My throat felt a little irritated yesterday due to the dust storm …

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Islamic Etiquette Of Dialogue And Criticism

Islamic Etiquette Of Dialogue And Criticism – commenting on criticism among Du`ah ( Sheikh Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz ) Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon our trustworthy Prophet Muhammad, his family, Companions and those who follow his Sunnah until the Day of Judgment. Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) …

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Oomerabad University – My Journey to Jamia Darussalam

Assalamalaikum (Peace be upon you), I had informed you all in my previous post, that i would be traveling on a Journey to the well known madrasa “Jamia Darusaalam, Oomerabad”. Well i just returned back from it and trust me, it was a great experience! 🙂 I am sure there are many amongst you who are not aware of Oomerabad. Well …

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Ramadhan Pics from Around the Globe

With the beginning of the month of Mercy, Muslims around the world have started preparing for it, celebrating its arrival and getting ready for fasting. Here are some of the pictures of Muslims from various regions of the world, getting ready for the month of Ramadhan. Click Here to know Best ways to prepare for Ramadhan Click Here to learn …

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