Breaking News

Fire broke out after a blast near Masjid un Nabawi in Medina

Today, fire broke out after we heard a blast explosion near Masjid un Nabawi in Madinah just before the start of Magrib Salah. We had just arrived to the masjid, parked my car and came up to the Masjid. It was iftar time and the adhaan had just sounded. After breaking our fast, as we were preparing for magrib salah, …

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If the devils are chained in Ramadhan, why do we have evil in it?

Hafidh Ibn Hajr hafidhuhallah said: وقال القرطبي بعد أن رجح حمله على ظاهره: فإن قيل: كيف نرى الشرور والمعاصي واقعة في رمضان كثيراً، فلو صفدت الشياطين لم يقع ذلك: فالجواب: أنها إنما تُغَلُّ عن الصائمين الصوم الذي حوفظ على شروطه وروعيت آدابه، أو المصفد بعض الشياطين وهم المردة لا كلهم، كما تقدم في بعض الروايات، أو المقصود تقليل الشرور فيه، …

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Quotes from Salaf regarding how to deal with Tyrant Muslim Rulers

The following are some of the Aqwaal from the Salaf related to dealing with Tyrant Muslim Rulers: Narrated `Abdullâh رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ : Allâh’s Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said to us, “You will see after me, selfishness (on the part of other people) and other matters that you will disapprove of.” They asked, “What do you order us to …

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Tafseer Ibn Katheer or Tafseer Adh-Dhilaal? – Imam Muqbil bin haadee

Question: Al-Ahdal said: “A summary of Tafseer Ibn Katheer can be found in the tafseer Fi Dhilaal-il-Qur’aan (of Sayyid Qutb).” Answer: Then let him bring us ten or twenty ahadith with their chains of narration in the tafseer Adh-Dhilaal. Or let him bring us one example of where (Sayyid Qutb) declares a hadith authentic or weak! And let him show us where …

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How to do ablution when there is a wound or bandage?

ablution purity

While performing ablution, sometimes when there is a wound or bandage on the head, hand or feet; it becomes difficult to go about it. Sometimes it might not be good to apply water to the wound. So what do we do and how do we perform ablution in such cases? Rulings On Wiping Over a Wound or Bandage  Shaykh Ibn …

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A Tribute to Shaykh Muhammad Ayyub – the great Qari of our generation!

I am writing this article to pay a tribute to Shaykh Muhammad Ayyub ibn Muhammad Yusuf ibn Sulaiman Umar (محمد أيوب بن محمد يوسف بن سليمان عمر‎), the great Qari of our generation, whose services to the book of Allah shall be remembered always. Shaykh Muhammad Ayyub was born in 1952/1953 (1372 Hijri) in Makkah, Saudi Arabia and died on …

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Fasting person’s Supplication is not Rejected – Shaykh Muqbil ibn Haadee al waadi

Supplication dua

Shaikh Muqbil ibn Haadee al-Waadi`ee -rahimahullaah- said in ‘al-Jaami`us-Saheeh mimmaa laisa fis-Saheehayn’ (2/505-506): “Three Whose Supplications Are Not Rejected“: Ibn Maajah-rahimahullaah- said (vol. 1, p. 557): `Alee ibn Muhammad narrated to us: Wakee` narrated to us from Sa`daan al-Juhanee: from Sa`d, Aboo Mujaahid at-Taa·ee – and he was reliable: from Aboo Mudillah – and he was reliable: from Aboo Hurairah, …

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