Oomerabad University – My Journey to Jamia Darussalam

Assalamalaikum (Peace be upon you), I had informed you all in my previous post, that i would be traveling on a Journey to the well known madrasa “Jamia Darusaalam, Oomerabad”. Well i just returned back from it and trust me, it was a great experience! 🙂

Jamia Darussalam, Oomerabad University

I am sure there are many amongst you who are not aware of Oomerabad. Well how can you be, it ain’t a big city! And those who hear the word “Umri” or “Oomeri” after an Islamic scholar’s name, like “XYZ Umri”, then know that he is from this Islamic university.

Oomerabad,  is a very small town located about 8 kms from the city Ambur, the place best known for its leather business in India. Ambur is nearly 150 kms from Bangalore and Chennai. This town is named after a famous leather merchant whose name was “Kaka Oomer” (or Umar). He was a noble man. He came to this place about 150 years ago and started his business which flourished by Allah’s grace. Then he started inviting people to come and live in that place and people started settling down gradually. He arranged for drinking water facility, agricultural facility, and much more. This town came to be known as “Oomerabad”, after the name of the founder “Kaka Oomer”. But his quest to help people did not end here. He wanted to setup an Islamic University, a madrasa, from where people could gain the knowledge of Allah and thus flourish in this life. His prayers were answered by Allah and hence he laid down the foundation of “Jamia Darussalam”, about 80 years ago. His pious intention and trust on Allah brought much recognition to this Islamic University. Since its inception, Jamia Darussalam Oomerabad has produced Hundreds of Islamic Scholars who spread across the world. Some among them have also went ahead and completed their Masters and PHd from world renowned universities like Jamia Islamia, Madina.

Alright, that was “Once upon a time” story about Oomerabad! Now lets talk about my Journey to this prestigious university, my experience in it, and what i learnt from being a student of this Islamic University.

To reach Oomerabad, we had two options – either to go via Bangalore or via Chennai. We choose to go via Bangalore. We booked our train reservations three days prior to the start of our course. We couldn’t get confirmed seat and were put in waiting list. We were quite positive (thanks to everyone’s advice 🙂 ) that our seats would get confirmed without any problem. But when we reached the station to catch our train, we learnt that our seats were not confirmed. WE MISSED OUR TRAIN! The entire journey takes around 15 hours and now we were left with no options. No train, No buses and No flights. We returned home disappointed and prayed to Allah for a way out of of this mess. To our surprise, we got a call from a friend who fetch us three flight tickets to Bangalore! Alhumdulillah, the flight was early in the morning and we reached Bangalore by 10 am the next day. From there we had to catch a local Train to reach Ambur (City famous for leather business). From Ambur, we had to catch bus to reach our destination, Oomerabad.

We were welcomed by the students in the campus and guided us towards the main office block. We met our course coordinator who quickly took us to our room. Below are the snaps of our room:

Food was awesome and on time. There was absolutely no complaint from our side and we were getting more than what we were officially allotted. I have a habit of becoming friends with cooks where ever i go. In all the previous companies i worked in, all the cooks were my good friends. Not only does the poor guy feel happy (since these guys are neglected by all), we also get advantage over others when it comes to food 🙂 . Below are some of our snaps with the cook and other students while in Dining hall:

Busy Cooking lunch for us
Cook busy Cooking lunch for us
At dinner with our class
At dinner with our class

The classes started two days after I arrived in the University. Out of the entire strength of the class, I was the only one who was not scholars. Remaining all were qualified scholars and that’s when we realized that this course was actually meant for scholars. This was a Da’wah learning course in which Scholars were being taught on how to convey the message of peace to others and hence become Daees. And guess what? In this particular course, we were the most experienced in the field of Da’wah (Since we are in it for the past 8 years) and others had absolutely no experience in it. Mashallah, Our classmates never let us feel that they were qualified scholars, rather they were always anxious to learn from our experiences.

During our stay in this Madrasa, we realized that there is an important need of introducing subjects like World politics, world scenario, Internet and Technology, English language etc. We observed that 90% of these qualified scholars are completely unaware of the happenings of this world and have no idea about the latest technology.

The critics of Islam blame Madrasas and call them “havens for terrorists”. What a stupid conclusion which is due to their ignorance of reality. The students of such Madrasas are ignorant of the happenings in the world. Many students, whom i interviewed, have absolutely no idea about 9/11 attacks. They have no clue about what’s happenings even in other parts of India. Nearly all of them were talking too sheepishly about using force, even though they held knowledge on Quran and Sunnah. This is because they have never thought about using force for Islam. This is what they are taught here, that force shouldn’t be used in Islam.

Forget about Terrorist ideology, i couldn’t find a single student who was of violent nature. I tried to know if any of them had the concept which the Critics of Islam talk about. But i couldn’t find a single person with that concept. Truly, the message of Islam preaches Peace and that is why we don’t find anyone with such concepts here. Check this incident that took place when i was trying to break open a coconut. I started smashing the coconut on a big rock nearby, expecting it to break. One of the students who was passing by came near me and said, “stop”. I asked, “why, what happened?”. He said there are ants walking over the stone, you might kill them! I was like “Whatttt!!!! 🙂 “

Our classes went pretty well. The most important thing we learnt from this course was the importance of offering Tahajjud prayers and doing Zikr all the time. Prior to this, we never realized the power it holds in resolving our issues. What an easy way to have our Dua’s accepted! Unfortunately most of the Ummah have forgotten the importance of Zikr.

During nights we had to take care of our work back home, as we couldn’t leave it to fall apart for so many months. Every day after Asr prayers, we were left to ourselves. We spent the evening hours taking care of our work. Thanks to Allah, we could get good Internet wireless connection from Jamia campus.

Besides studies, we had another interesting past time. We kept exploring the campus in detail. Check out one of our discoveries 🙂 below :

Nabeel discovered world's smallest watermelon!
We discovered world’s smallest watermelon!

Jamia Darussalam‘s campus is huge and lovely. There is a Mosque within the campus that itself is a mark of beauty. It was build by a wealthy businessman from Gulf. It has one tall minaret which is the highlight of the entire mosque. Besides the mosque which is at the center of the campus, many buildings extend over the entire area. The right side buildings on the campus are for children while the left side buildings are for higher studies. There is another mosque outside the campus which is also used for offering prayers. There are two huge playgrounds on the campus, one at the entrance while another behind the IT building. This IT building actually opens just for one month every year. IT isn’t a mandatory subject for the students which is unfortunate. The weather was initially very hot, but later in the month it was wonderful. There are lots of coconut trees planted on the campus. Check out some of the snaps of the Campus:

Pathway at the entrance
Pathway at the entrance
On-Campus mosque
On-Campus mosque
Main Office building of Jamia Darussalam, Oomerabad
Main Office building of Jamia Darussalam, Oomerabad
Imran Ali & Akif-ur-rahman walking on the campus
Walking on the campus
Research Center of Jamia Darussalam, Oomerabad University
Research Center of Jamia Darussalam, Oomerabad University
Behind Mosque in Jamia Darussalam, Oomerabad University
Backside Mosque in Oomerabad University
Student on campus in Jamia Darussalam, Oomerabad University
Student on campus in Jamia Darussalam
Mosque outside university campus in Oomerabad
Mosque outside university campus in Oomerabad

During our visit to Jamia Darussalam, Oomerabad, we met up with many esteemed scholars who gave us knowledge on various subjects of Sharia. We spent time with them, tried our best to serve and help them with their daily tasks, traveled with them and visited their homes.

All in all, a great Journey to one of the most renowned Islamic University of India. The Journey to Jamia Darussalam, Oomerabad, not only gave us an insight of what happens in the Madrasas, but it also gave us a new experience which is totally different from our daily life. This trip also boosted up our moral since we saw the claims of Anti-Islamic forces, fall down to utter pieces. Their claims that Islamic Madrasas or Islamic Universities are producing Terrorists is nothing but a Big LIE which has been systematically spread across amongst the masses. In reality, these Madrasas are places where Peace Makers are produced in the form of Islamic scholars who are not only assets for our country, but who will also,Inshallah, make our society a better place to live in.

Hope you all had good time reading through the experiences of my Journey!

Assalamalaikum (Peace be upon you)!

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  1. aslam walekum bhai,

    its great to see the picture. really its very good.

  2. assalamu alaikum
    br jazakallah for giving us useful info.about this uni.
    great Islamic scholar shaikhul islam haz.mufti taqi usmani (hafi) also visited and delivered speech in it last month

  3. Salam alaikumm (Ramadan Kareem)
    Alf Mabrook to all three Brothers,
    Inshallah May Allah teach you all the Truth and give more knowledge to spread across Ummah…. Aameen.
    if can be recommended why dont you have a session on Awareness and brief about modern civilization and globalization among brothers, so that once they come out of Uni they are ready to step any ware in this materialistic world with no issues inshallah..
    @nabeel: its Bonzi Watermelon 🙂 don’t use it at the time of fatoor cant satisfy you alone 🙂
    Was happy to see al the pics mashallah, but at the same time was unhappy to see the Eating place and utensils which are not in accordance to Sunnah, in such a Big madarsa… NEED TO EAT TOGEATHER FFROM ONE PLATE
    no critics just writing what was came to my mind. Allah knows best the situations over there..

    Salam Alaikum

  4. as salaamu alaikum brother imran,

    masha ALLAH, its a nice learning experience for others as well…i want to quote 1 verse from Quran regarding respect and disrespect…

    In the name of ALLAH, most gracious, most merciful.

    Surah Al Imran: Verse 26: Say, “O Allah , Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will. You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are over all things competent.

    and regarding Tahajjud and Zikr, we tend to forget them, and its a good practice…all those who are successful in this life, are those who practice Tahajjud, for they know the following:

    Surah Al-Israa” : Verse 79: And during a part of the night, pray Tahajjud beyond what is incumbent on you; maybe your Lord will raise you to a position of great glory.

    Abu Hurairah quoted Muhammad (S.A.W) as saying: “Our Lord descends to the lowest heaven during the last third of the night, inquiring: ‘Who will call on Me so that I may respond to him? Who is asking something of Me so I may give it to him? Who is asking for My forgiveness so I may forgive him?’” (Al-Bukhari)

    may ALLAH accept our intentions and prayers/supplications/duas…and may ALLAH guide us all…aameen..thumma aameen…

  5. Salaam alaikum Imran Bhai,
    Mashallah, it was really awesome to go through your experience at Omerabad; while reading I got engrossed in your article and wished to be with you guys.

    Anyway; GREAT SACRIFICE BRO… keep it up… May Allah accept.

  6. @Brother Tarique:

    JazakAllah for your comments and awesome quotes from Quran and hadith.

  7. @Brother Zahack:

    Nice to know you like it. Trust it me it is very easy to go about on the path of knowledge, it just requires little sacrifices and love of akhirah. For a dumbo like me, it took me 8 years to start it. I am sure intelligent guys like you can immediately walk this path inshallah.

  8. ASAK

    It was a great article of your experience at umrabad , wish we could be there too. hope Allah will make it easy for us.
    Feel really bad for these scholars when we come to know how they are deprived of worldly knowledge along with Islamic studies. One cannot think of any progress of our scholars until they change their curriculum and introduce at least English and technology. Hope our learned people outside these madrasas can in some way influence the management and bring about change.
    Jazakallah for this article.

  9. Beautiful , Mashalllah !
    These places are havens of tranquility and peace ..after all every bit of nature from the birds in the sky to the leaves – all praying for these seekers of knowledge !!
    The path to Jannah is full of hardship & sacrifice but unlike the rest of us, Allah has promised to make easy their (scholar’s) path to Jannah.
    May Allah guide us to the best of His Mercy ,both in this world & the next.Aameen.
    Jazakallah u Khair.

  10. Assalam alaikumm & Ramadan Kareem
    Alf Mabrook brothers

    Masha-Allah brothers great deal going to OOMERABAD. Now I feel I should have be an active member of your org so that even I would have got a chance to visit and rub shoulders with such great scholars in the making. However I am still happy that I am some how associated to you brothers and feel good about it.

    May Allah give you, me and everyone similar events in life where we learn and spread the True Religion Islam.

    Jazak Allahu Khairan

  11. @kashif:

    Walaykumassalam. JazakAllah for your dua.

    I always say “Where there is a will, there is a way”! We generally don’t try to go on pursuit of knowledge. But when you start sacrificing for Allah’s sake, Allah makes ways you cannot imagine. So anyone can go about with such pursuit and chances, just that Muslims must learn to sacrifice inshallah. 🙂

  12. Narrated Muawiya:
    I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, “If Allah wants to do good to a person, He makes him comprehend the religion. I am just a distributor, but the grant is from Allah. (And remember) that this nation (true Muslims) will keep on following Allah’s teachings strictly and they will not be harmed by any one going on a different path till Allah’s order (Day of Judgment) is established.”

  13. Assalamu alaykum
    Jazakallahu khayran imran bhai for giving information about this university.
    I was very curious to know about this uni since i have heard this name from many scholars and finally u have provided me with the much needed info.
    While reading the article i got much info on the importance of seeking knowledge,Zikr and Tahajjud as u have stated earlier.
    May Allah reward u for ur works and ease ur tasks.

  14. brother its really good to see you back on the blog was seriously missing your writings… keep it going
    May ALLAh swt grant you with more knowledge and wisdom. MashALLAH.

  15. besides all the practices of taught and told your act of appreciating the cook really touched me
    we eat their food 365 days a year and yet if an occasion comes where the food is not as we like it to be we get red and blue and and start complaining like anything .. and yet we cannot afford to take a minute from our ego or ignorance to appreciate their kind work.

    thanks for sharing brother.

  16. Wa’alikumussalam warahmatullah

    MashaAllah,An Excellent article I have ever read about any trip!

    I loved the way u explained the innocence of those learned people forbidding u to kill the ants!! 😛 Besides this the way u explained the other aspects of the journey..all was awesome!

    (i wish i could go there ,if it’s for sisters too 🙂 )

    May the knowledge u got from there be a cause for u to enter jannah (Aameen)

    JazakAllahu khairan for sharing your experience with us !

  17. Khaleel ur rahman t.k.

    Assalamu alekum my Brothers

    Its very beautiful knowledge and some of the History of this University you have provided in this,its very nice and beautiful to who belongings to know about this Manba-ul – baharuloom but my opinion it is very less about this university, I think you dint meet their Ulama and Asatiza’s you can know more history and some beautiful pictures of the premises about that and much more !!! any way its very nice …

    I was there for some of six years for studying I know little of this University so please met some our Khadeem teachers and take some more beautiful pictures also


    THANK U……

  19. Assalamu alaykum wa ra bar ,
    Masha-Allah, very beautiful and amazing journey bro .
    may Allah give all Muslims hidaya, to realize our responsibility like you brother.
    I also have quite a experience interacting with madrasa students how they r getting deens education they are kept
    behind from competing with the new world requirement.
    They should be made a complete graduate they have to met with the requirement of the fast advancing world
    May Allah open the path …………….
    Assalamu alaykum wa ra bar ……

  20. assalamualikum brother
    it was really happy to read this article and happy to see the pictures of madrasa again ……my native is oomerabad. I was there for ten years i did my schooling there …
    thanx for making this article brother many will come to know about the university by this article
    jamia darusslam is one of the best Islamic university with lots of best scholars but many don’t know about it

    yeah i agree with u brother that in university there is an important need of English language and internet and world news we can found best scholars there but they cant speak English so we cant make their speeches available across the world
    may Allah help us
    inshallah lets do our best

  21. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
    Assalamu ‘alaikum.
    Masha Allah. You visited us,,, but unfortunate, I could not greet you in this trip…
    Insha Allah, visit us next time..You are always welcome……… and Be our guest…
    Happy to serve great people…….

    Resident of OOMERABAD….

  22. Muhammad Muaz Abu Quhafah

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    جزاك الله خيرا يا أخي عمران

  23. Assalamalykum,

    allah accept of your afforts..

    Jazakallah Khair

  24. @faqueem: Well nice to know that you are now aware of this university in detail. You can ask me details of it when we meet next time inshallah.

    @Mir: Thanks for your compliments brother. The gesture with the cook was just the outcome of what Prophet (Pbuh) did himself, he had mercy for poor and needy. just following his footsteps, though i always fall short. May Allah forgive me for that. Pray for me brother and do follow me on my blog 🙂

    @Shumaila: Thanks sister. Just wrote it from heart about my experience.

  25. @Khalil ur rahmn: Dear Brother, yeah i know i missed meeting few good scholars. Actually i did meet all the teachers, but for a very short time. Also the snaps taken were towards the end of our stay. Initially we were busy with learning what we were taught by these scholars. Well, there is always next time, will spend more time with them if i happen to meet them again inshallah.

    @N.MOHAMMED ABDURRAHEEM: Dear Brother, its just that Allah chooses the one he wishes to take work from. The only thing we need to do from our side is make an effort. That’s it. Leave the rest to Allah and he will guide you through smoothly. Pray for me.

  26. @ABDUL WAJEED: Nice to know you brother and i am glad that you were able to recall your past memories from this article.

    @Sawood Azami: Sure inshallah brother. I will be updating my trips on my blog regularly.

    @Muhammad Muaz Abu Quhafah: Faeeyakum brother!

  27. mushahid from Orissa

    Assalam Alaikum br, I watched my past years between 2000-2005
    thank u

  28. Assalam alikum dear brother, thanks for pics , it’s really nice place.

    I have been there in the year 2003, That time i did not to take any pic’s of that place.

    today suddenly i remembered about that place and i stared searching . at last i saw you pics.

  29. Assalamu Alikum
    I remember the GOLDEN DAYS of my life in JAMIA DARUSSALAM 1977-1980
    Thank you

  30. ahmad fahmy didi

    I remember the days months and years I spent studying in Jamia Darussalam from 1977 to 1982, It gives me great pleasure to see the Jamia and its campuses. thank you all for presenting this article with photographs of Jamia. Since 1982 I have visited India several times but was not able to visit Jamia. I am really very eager to visit and see the professors.

  31. assalamu alaikum i am a pharmacist in qatar. i went through the article, i too love the omeries who are experts in islam, i know the well popular scholars like aneesurrahman azami omeri madani(irgc). i pray in allah to make more strongest jamia’s constitution.

  32. Assalamu alaikkum Mr. Ali,

    I came across your page when I was searching for phone number for Jamia Darusslam, Omerabad.
    Found one number 04174255451, which is out of order for several days. So, would you pls pass it to me, if you happen to have that phone number, as I am planning to send my relative to study there in that madrasa.

    Since I dont find your email address in your page, I had to contact you thru the SPEAK YOUR MIND.


  33. assalamu alaikum ,
    masha allah this is the one of best work which i want to do but i was enable may allah bless one who did this

    jazakallahu kharan


  35. ASWK It was great to Islamic institute great picture i hope one day i will come to see my brother studying is in your institute..


    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,جزاك الله خيرا ياأخى عمران رجعتنا إلى ماضينا بصور رائعة
    أحسن الله حياتك,والسلام

  37. mohammed luthfi bin yousuf

    assalamu alaikum sheikh imran . i am very happy with getting all these informations about this jamia.now i am intrested to join jamia darussalam to continue my shareea studies.it is my desire to study in jamia islamia madheena munawwara too.jazaakallahu khair to convey all these valuable details about jamia darussalam.

  38. S. Shaik Mujeebur Rahman

    Assalamu alaikum
    is blog dek ke muje bahooth kush huwa
    me bi is jaga per kuch den ilam hasil karliyatha
    1998 me muje us yad ayahai

  39. i am grateful to you for publishing such photographs we Omeris always proud of our Jamia may Allah protect it
    Thanks a lot

  40. mohammed shahid basha

    weather they have increased the world knowledge ex like english computer knowledge lease let me know
    and what is the better age for admission

  41. Mohammad Imran Omeri Jolarpet

    جزاك الله خيرا على الصورة الرائعة

    لا اقول الا جزاكم الباري خير الجزاء

    وكثر الله من أمثالكم وبارك الله فيكم وفي جهودكم

    وغفر الله لنا ولكم

    شكرت جميل صنعكم بدمعي= ودمع العين مقياس الشعور
    لأول مرة قد ذاق جفني= على ما ذاقه – دمع السرور

  42. Hafiz MD Imran omeri, Jolarpet

    جزاك الله خيرا على الصورة الرائعة يا أخي

    شكرت جميل صنعكم بدمعي= ودمع العين مقياس الشعور
    لأول مرة قد ذاق جفني= على ما ذاقه – دمع السرور

  43. syed kareemullah

    assalamu alaikum wa rahmathullahi wabarakathu,

    subhan allah allah is madresa ki aur terki atta kare Aamin sum aamin

  44. Walaikum salam bhai.
    Today i am also in the same journey of waiting list. moving to jamia darussalam to attend summer course for English medium students

  45. assalamu alikum
    masha allah bhut achcha hai

  46. MUHAMMAD Nayeemuddin Kazi

    assalamualaikum wa rahmathullahi wabarakathu.
    Jazakallahu khayran THANK YOU VERY MUCH 4 THE VALUABLE INFO .
    THAT’S IT .
    assalamualaikum wa rahmathullahi wabarakathu.

  47. Assalamu Alaikum,

    Brother this journey is very beautiful by hearing the words from you as you said it is 100% correct and i know that place bcz its my birth place its quite good to hear the words about my native

  48. Assalamu Alaikum brother…..What was the course u was going through ..? is it dawah course if yes then what was the duration of the course….anyhow u had a wonderful journey it can b seen in ur words,,,,,

  49. Walaykumassalam, Brother Shafi, yes it was Dawah course for 3 months duration.

  50. As-salamu alaikum .. i was looking around to join a madrasa which teaches authentic sunnah and wanted to hifz … i want to know if there is any age limit to join in this madrasa because i’m 21 now… and i should have any qualification(islamic) to join in??

  51. Assalamu Alaikum do u know my father syed raheem abdullah osman omri

  52. Walaykumassalam, No brother, i don’t know him. Perhaps I can recall him if i see him.

  53. Walaykumassalam, No there is no age limit to Join this University. I would advise you to Join the three years course in this University that shall prepare you well InshAllah. At least your Arabic shall get strong.


  55. Assalamu Alaikum Bro can give me your contact number Plz i am abdur rahman.

  56. As salamu aly kum brother mene suna he apke yha alim student ke lie compur or arbi english speakin ka course start huwa muje is ke ofice ka number de

  57. asalaamu ‘alaykum akhee,
    Hope you are in the best of eman and health. I am from Maldives and I am 27 years of age. I have a basic understanding of arabic. Is it possible for me to study in the jamia?? Please help me.

  58. Bro assalamoalaikum. I would like to go and learn ilm and to spread it. How can I?

  59. Assalamualaikum
    I really impressed, plz let me know what course they offer
    For 12/13 years of children, I want to admit my son in
    Jamia Darussalam.

  60. Asalamu alikum I want join the arabic school please help me

  61. Assalamualaiukum kindly guide me for admissions of my sons to hifz course in Darussalaam for hifz course, thanking you

  62. a salam mera naam sufiyan he me gujrat ka hu me yaha hifz karne aaya tha but me exam me fail huva muje ye madrsa bhot accha laga par meri kismat ne mera sath chod diya….. 100% Like

  63. As salaamu alaikum brother, I want to know how we can fill the form for Moulvi cousre In Jamia Darussalam .What is the procedure for admission and so on.

  64. Assalamualaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatahu
    Dear brothers pls kindly let me know the admission process for admitting my son in jamia darussalam who is an age of 17.
    I want my son to join islam institution and i want my son to become a good preacher of Islam.
    Kindly leave a reply on our given email I’d.

    Jazakallahu khairan wa jazaa

  65. Assalamualaikum
    Please guide me and please let me know what course they offered, For 8 to 13 years of children, I want to admit my brother in law’s son in Jamia Darussalam. How do i approach to institute

    Please provide the your contact number.

  66. Walaykumassalam,

    I have sent email reply to all those who are seeking information on how to get admission in Darussalam University.

    I apologize for the delay in reply.

    May Allah make it easy for you and reward you for your noble intentions to make your children study Islam.


  67. Mohammed Fareedullah

    Assalamualykum wa rehmatullah,

    I need more details for my 11yr old, 2-3yr courses and fee structure. Any website or contact details would be highly appreciated.

    JazaakAllahu khairun

  68. assalamu alaikum brother
    i would like to do BA arabic in distance education
    does this university provide it

  69. mohammed sameer

    what is the fees for a studend who came for aalim course pls tell me i want to come and study there

  70. No it doesn’t.

  71. Haafiz Abdul raheem ansari

    koi mujhe batayega ki jo ab 2105 ramazan k bad 3 mah ka dawah trenning course hota hai.

    es bare me bataaye.
    aur form kayse dhakil kare ye b bataye.

  72. Assalamo allaikum wr wb. I want to know who can take admission? If any body wants to go madina university then What should he ? I want Ur contact number

  73. Assalaamualykum brother. I heard that they don’t give visa to foreign students. If they are giving can you tell how we can get vissaara and how we can get enroll in university. Jazakallah khyr.

  74. Assalamualaikum Akhi,
    Could you please let me know what is the medium of education in the madrasa? Does one need to know urdu prior to joining?
    Jazak Allah khair

  75. Walaykumassalam, the medium of education is urdu.

    However, those who do not know urdu also can join and learn urdu first.

  76. walaykumassalam, yes they don’t give visa.

    but you can come to india through any visa and go and study there.

  77. Assalamu Alaykum brother,

    Very beneficial piece of information. Can you email me the details Insha Allah ?

  78. Assalamu Alaikum brother,

    Barakallahu feek. Can you email me the details as well ?

  79. Assalamualaikum,akhi,
    I have completed my intermediate(mpc).I have joined jamia darussalaam,and at present i am a first year(awwal) student in Jamia.I like to continue my studies in distance along with my aalimiyat in jamia in regular.Pease suggest me an idea.

  80. a/s ya akhi i want to join in this institute ,i am 27 years old .i have basic knowledge in islam.
    plz help me

  81. Assalamu alaikum brother Abu Issam

    can you please share the contact details of Jamia Darussalam, as i am searching for it but couldnt get it anywhere. Pls help on this.

    we are planning to admit my nephew in this institute, does this college has only arabic/islamic studies, or do they provide schooling and arabic studies as well.

    Pls clarify. Wassalam.


    Mera naam arshad hai mai jamia darussalam acadmey
    me dakhla lena chahta huon
    mejhe DSA ka website bateyye

  83. Ahmed Adil A Rahman

    Salam alaikum
    I want to know how to get admission there.

  84. jaseem ibn abdulla

    Assalamualaikum. I want to join in jamia Darussalam what should I do?

  85. Assalamualikum brother!!!

    i want to join my younger brother as he i already started doing the hifz & he is through with 3 paaras & kindly share the contact details so that we can proceed further with his addmission.

  86. Qamar Hassan from Lahore, Pakistan…enjoyed your article..Thank you very much..Jazakallah khair..wassalam..

  87. Muhammad Thouseef

    assalamu alaikum ..brother …….plZZZ snd me the contact details. ….and the all courses. …nd how can i get admission there. …

  88. Muhammad Thouseef

    I want join jamia darussalam. …plzz snd a contact details

  89. Mohammad Abuzar

    As salamu alaikum rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
    I want to know that in which classes can be gotten admission?
    on my email.
    was salam.

  90. Mohammed Farooq

    As SalamuAlaikum, Please send me the contact details of the persons, to whom i can contact for admission. please brothers i am in a hurry…

  91. Mohammed Farooq

    As SalamuAlaikum, Please send me the contact details of the persons, to whom i can contact for admission. please brothers i am in a hurry… my eMail ID is go4farooq@gmail.com, Mob No. 09490491991

  92. Can I get your college address and contact…….

  93. Naushad saudagar

    Ass salamu alaikum maulana,
    My naushad saudagar andhra pradesh se, mujhe ek confirmation chahiye sir plz mere dada saudagar Muhammad bazlullah ap he ke student hai bohut old 80 years back, please ap check karke reply bolo sir, my number – 07013808455

  94. Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaathu. can anyone please give details such as age requirement, qualifications, How to join, fee details etc.?

  95. Ass salamu alaikumar moulana Iam from India.
    Are you know Moulana Zaheeruddin Oomrabad.
    I am his relative. send your contact address and mob number

  96. Do have Ladies Madarasa in Umarabad. What is the best Madarasa in South India for little girls?

  97. Al hamdulillah….. jazakallahu khair… brother…

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