History & Biographies

Allamah Ehsan Ilahi Zaheer (1945-1987)

Biography of Allamah Ehsan Ilahi Zaheer (1945-1987) Shaikh Ehsan Ilahi Zaheer was born on the 31st May of 1945 in Sialkot. His father Haji Zahoor Ilahi was a religious and pious person. Shaikh Ihsan memorized the Quran in the Madrasah Dar Al-Ulum Ash-Shihabiyah in Sialkot. Then his father sent him to Al-Jamiyah Al-Islamiyah in Gujranwala, and then afterwards Shaikh Ehsan …

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Mohammad Raees Nadwi (1937 to 2009) – Shaikh ul Hadith

The following is a brief biography of Shaikh Muhammad Raees Nadwi (الشيخ محمد رئس الندوي) [1937/1356 to 2009/1430], the great muhaddith of our times: Many people come and go in this world but there are some whom Allah empowers with exceptional skills and extraordinary intelligence. Such people tend to bring a great revolution in their field, particularly when the field …

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Idris Abkar, The Qari – short biography

Idris Abkar, a well known name in the world of Quran recitation, is a qari you must learn about. His recitations are listened to around the world and they come among some of the world’s best Quranic recitations. His duas are also very famous and most viewed online. His Birth & Studies Shaikh Idris Abkar was born in 1975 (1395 …

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A Tribute to Shaykh Muhammad Ayyub – the great Qari of our generation!

I am writing this article to pay a tribute to Shaykh Muhammad Ayyub ibn Muhammad Yusuf ibn Sulaiman Umar (محمد أيوب بن محمد يوسف بن سليمان عمر‎), the great Qari of our generation, whose services to the book of Allah shall be remembered always. Shaykh Muhammad Ayyub was born in 1952/1953 (1372 Hijri) in Makkah, Saudi Arabia and died on …

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Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani – Brief biography

The full name of the famous Imam Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani is Abul-Fadl, Shihabuddin Ahmad bin ‘All bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Ahmad Ai-Kinani AshShafi’i. Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani was born on 10th Sha’ban, 773 H. in Egypt, where he grew up also. He memorized the Qur’an at the age of nine years and also memorized Al-Hawi, the book Muktasar of …

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Al Khateeb Al Baghdadi (d. 463 hijri) – Biography

His name was Ahmad bin Ali bin Thabit bin Ali bin Mahdi, he was given the nickname Abu Bakr but was famously known as Al Khateb Al Baghdadi. His origin was Arab and his father wasn’t from those who excelled in a specific science from the sciences of knowledge. Al Khateb describes his father in his book Tarekhu Baghdad (The …

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Abdur Rahman bin Amr Al Awzaee (d. 156 Hijri) – Brief Biography

Abdur Rahman bin Amr  Al Awzaee (d. 156 Hijri) was the scholar of Fiqh for the people of Shãm and the first to author books in that country. He was born during the end of the period of the Companions and was from the students of Az-Zuhree and Yahya bin Abi Kathir. Both of them gave Al Awzaee a sahefah (scripture) …

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