????قال ابن القيم -رحمه الله-:
«أصول الخطايا كلُّها ثلاث:
الكِبر وهو: الذي أصار إبليسَ إلى ما أصاره،
والحرص وهو: الذي أخرج آدم من الجنَّة،
والحسد وهو: الذي جرّأ أحد ابني آدم على أخيه.
فمن وُقِيَ شرَّ هذه الثلاث فقد وقي الشرَّ، فالكفر من الكبر، والمعاصي من الحرص، والبغي والظلم من الحسد».
????الفوائد: (1/ 58).
Ibn ul qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him said:
Foundation/Origin of all sins are three:
1) Al-Kibr (arrogance): It is that which converted ibless to what he is.
2) Al-Hirss (greed): It is that which banished Adam (alahis salam) from Jannah.
3) Al-hasad (jealousy): It is that which incited son of adam on his brother.
The one who is protected from these three evils, he is protected from evil; so kufr is due to arrogance; and sins are due to greed; and injustice & oppression are due to jealousy.
[Al- fawaaid 1/58](Translated by Abu Isaam Imran Ali on 23rd September 2014/28th Dhulhijja 1435)