Breaking News

Importance of Dawah & its Obligation

Importance of Dawah Enjoining right and forbidding wrong is that with which Allah sent the revealed books, and with it He sent His messengers, and it is an integral part of the way (i.e. the deen). The message of Allah is composed of informative and directive parts. As for the informative, it is Allah informing us about Himself, such as …

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5 Pillars of Islam

Definition of Islam: It is submission to Allah, by believing in Tawheed (oneness of Allah), compliance to his orders, by obeying him, avoiding and absolving oneself from all forms of polytheism and idolatry, as well as those who commit them. 5 Pillars of Islam which the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) explained to us are mentioned in the following hadith: “Islam …

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Allamah Ehsan Ilahi Zaheer (1945-1987)

Biography of Allamah Ehsan Ilahi Zaheer (1945-1987) Shaikh Ehsan Ilahi Zaheer was born on the 31st May of 1945 in Sialkot. His father Haji Zahoor Ilahi was a religious and pious person. Shaikh Ihsan memorized the Quran in the Madrasah Dar Al-Ulum Ash-Shihabiyah in Sialkot. Then his father sent him to Al-Jamiyah Al-Islamiyah in Gujranwala, and then afterwards Shaikh Ehsan …

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Mohammad Raees Nadwi (1937 to 2009) – Shaikh ul Hadith

The following is a brief biography of Shaikh Muhammad Raees Nadwi (الشيخ محمد رئس الندوي) [1937/1356 to 2009/1430], the great muhaddith of our times: Many people come and go in this world but there are some whom Allah empowers with exceptional skills and extraordinary intelligence. Such people tend to bring a great revolution in their field, particularly when the field …

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Advising Muslim rulers with proper methodology – Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan

Question: What is the correct methodology for advising, particularly with regard to advising the Muslim rulers? Is it by publicizing their evil actions from their evil actions from the minbars or by advising them in private? Answer:  Infallibility is not for anyone except Allah’s Messenger . Muslim rulers are humans and they make errors. So no doubt they have errors and …

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Idris Abkar, The Qari – short biography

Idris Abkar, a well known name in the world of Quran recitation, is a qari you must learn about. His recitations are listened to around the world and they come among some of the world’s best Quranic recitations. His duas are also very famous and most viewed online. His Birth & Studies Shaikh Idris Abkar was born in 1975 (1395 …

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Islam – The Universal Religion

knowledge islam

The Message of Islam and its Universality and Purpose Allah sent Muhammad (ﷺ) with the true way of worship of Allah and the complete code of law which provides mankind with the most honorable life and takes them to the highest degree a human being can attain. In a period of about twenty-three years, the Prophet (ﷺ) completed his mission …

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“Umdatul Fiqh” (al umdah) by Ibn Qudamah – Book review

Umdatul fiqh (al umdah) is an abridged book of fiqh according to the Hanbali madhhab. An abridged book (which was known as matn) was supplemented by commentaries, footnotes, and notes written in the margins. These books were meant to be decisive and easy to memorize by the students of knowledge; they served as a code. The book “Umdatul fiqh” (al …

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Dua after Adhan (call to salah or prayer)

Are you aware of the Dua after Adhan? Every time we hear Azan or Adhan (the call to salah or prayer), most of us do not know what to do. Do you know that there is a Dua after Adhan that has been taught to to us in Islam. It has been legislated in Islam that whenever muadhin pronounces the …

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